My Stomach Is Always Bloated
10 Possible Causes of a Bloated Stomach Digestive disorders Fluid retention Dehydration Constipation Food allergies or sensitivities SIBO Infection Bowel obstruction Hormonal changes Cancer. When this symptom occurs in the upper abdomen it often means something is going on in the stomach or small intestines. Women Share Photos Of Their Bloated Bellies To Show Painful Reality Of Living With Endometriosis What Else You Can Do About Bloating. My stomach is always bloated . Upper stomach pain or feelings of fullness paired with bloating may be indicative of dyspepsia for example whereas lower abdomen cramping and a. This can be due to anything from what you ate for your last meal to hormones. Excess wind and bloating. Bloating is distention protrusion of the abdomen often accompanied by an uncomfortable feeling of fullness or tightness. Food allergies lactose intolerance and other digestive disorders could be bloating culprits. Bloating is a feeling of increased abdominal pres...