Searching To Find The One
Searching to find the One 2. Searching to find the One 2. Unlimited Touch Searching To Find The One Youtube HttpgeniusBnsAGBShop for Vinyls CDs Merch and More. Searching to find the one . Searching to find the one Lyrics. Unlimited Touch Searching To Find The One. In the Middle 3. Die besten Disco-Titel sind. And up til now no one has blown my mind Someday the one Im searching for will come And thats when all my searching will be done But until the time that I decide. Searching to find someone thats strong Someone thatll really turn me on And Ive been searching like this for quite some time. If you want to narrow the search scope select the arrow to the right of the magnifying glass icon and in the list that appears choose how to limit your search. People didnt tell you that you had to find the one because they wanted to lead you astray. The invigorating rhythm arrangement and fun vocal melodies of 1980s I Hear Music in the Streets the core of which was later rewo...